Invitation: How Teacher Pensions Impact Resource Equity; Biden's Spending Bill; + CT Equity Bills
Rebalancing Charter Authorization; Local Masking Decisions Underscore Inequity; and Mandating FAFSA
Dems React to Sheff; Ed Equity Bills We're Watching; and CT Prepped to Address Reading Declines
End Legacy Preferences in CT; Gov's Budget Misses Opportunity for Kids; and CT Senate Dems Agenda
ERN CT 2022 Policy Priorities
Open Choice Debate in Darien, State Models Student-Centered Funding, Falling Suspensions Kids
Dems Weigh Tensions Over School Closures; New Leadership for Danbury Charter; Elite Colleges Sued
Federal House Bill Threatens Charters + CT Back-to-School COVID Precautions Still a Work in Progress
Inside the Budget Implementer; Unpacking CT’s Plan for ARP ESSER Funds; + Quick Links to Other News
This week’s sine die edition looks at what has been accomplished for students
Superintendents Endorse Right to Read; Need a Plan for Relief Funds; + Anniversary of Brown v. Board
Approps Budget; New Application Process for Federal COVID Relief; + Ending Non-Medical Vax Exemption
ERN CT Testimony Before Education Committee on School Funding Legislation
Response to Governor’s Budget: Federal Relief Should Supplement State Ed Investments, Not Replace
What the Gov’s Budget Says About Our Values, Biden on Reopening Schools, + College Affordability
The start of the 2021 legislative session, affordable housing efforts, and Georgia going blue
ERN CT 2021 Policy Priorities
Wednesday Weekly: A Year in Review
Coalition work on desegregating CT and a national education platform
ERN CT Testimony Before the Black and Puerto Rican Caucus
ERN CT RELEASE: Response to Governor’s Budget Adjustments
ERN CT RELEASE: Education Reform Now CT Unveils 2020 ‘Equity in Education’ Agenda
Our Ed Equity Agenda, affordable housing gains traction, + increases to costs for state universities
Setting our legislative agenda, the Sheff settlement, and results of the Special Elections