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Guns, Willie Nelson, National Poll Results

This weekly segment by Democrats for Education Reform CT looks at the top education stories Democrats are watching, providing bite-sized analyses and links to recent articles. On the roster this week: guns in schools, poll results,

and the Blue Wave!!

It’s Common Sense: Keep Guns Out of the Classroom

Last week, Governor Malloy announced a partnership with Sandy Hook Promise to launch violence prevention programs that train students and teachers in how to be socially inclusive, spot threatening behaviors, and prevent suicide. The program uses federal dollars from the STOP School Violence Act, which was passed after the Parkland, Florida shooting. Meanwhile, as CT undertakes common sense approaches to safety in our schools, Education Secretary Betsy DeVos says she won't stop districts from using federal funds to arm teachers inside schools. CT Senators Murphy and Blumenthal are fighting the proposal.

“If You Don’t Like Who’s In There, Vote ‘Em Out”

We are only 4 weeks away from the midterms in CT, and local elections have ramifications that impact our state and our nation. As Willie Nelson said, if you don’t like who’s in your government, you can “vote ‘em out.” If you’re part of the Blue Wave, you can make an impact by supporting Democrats who champion education issues. And make sure you’re registered to vote here by October 30th. (In case you miss the deadline, Democrats have fought hard to enact Election Day voter registration, so, with some extra effort, you can still cast your ballot on November 6!)

National Dem Demands for Ed

Nationally, Democrats for Education Reform has partnered with political strategy groups to understand how voters think about education priorities. As you can see in this memo on polling results, 93% of Democratic primary voters strongly agree that we have a responsibility to do everything we can to give every child a great education, and that means we need faster change in our schools to prepare students for the future. That’s why we’re supporting ed Progressives who champion public schools and drive an education agenda to benefit all kids.

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